About Women Making it Work


Women Making it Work (WMIW) is a vibrant not-for-profit business network across Casey and Cardinia

Our network encourages and supports people in business from all industry sectors so they can further develop their business skills, grow their businesses, and create new business opportunities and relationships.

Launched in March 2005, we are proudly supported by the City of Casey and the Shire of Cardinia and continue to raise the business profile of the region and contribute to the lives of its people.

What Does Women Making It Work Do?

We Promote

Women Making It Work gives you the opportunity to promote your business to the local community and other businesswomen – and businessmen – across the Casey Cardinia region.

We Network

Our network events forge new relationships and strengthen existing relationships, creating a web of connections that brings you business opportunities, great contacts, and invaluable, expert advice.

We Inspire

“If you want to go fast, go alone, If you want to go far, go together.”

-African proverb

We Educate

At WMIW, we passionately believe in the value of professional and personal development. Most of our networking events have an educational spin designed to grow you and your business, and we have a range of educational resources online that you can access anytime.

We Support

We want our WMIW to go far! Whether it’s through our speakers and events, or friendship and mentoring, we are here to inspire and support you.


Women Making it Work was formed as a Victorian Government initiative to assist women in business in the Casey and Cardinia regions.

State and Local governments joined forces to form the group to provide a forum for women to have a voice, network, promote and gain valuable education to assist in their businesses as it had been identified that there was a gap in business in this area.

Becoming incorporated in 2005, Women Making it Work has been a not-for-profit group since then, supported by Casey and Cardinia Councils.

Current Committee

Khatija Halabi


Mabble Munyimani

Vice Chairperson

Avanthi Ilangantileke


Linda Clucas

Co-opted Member

Aloyna Taylor

Social Media

Kaylene Spooner

Admin Co-ordinator